Looking forward to the go find me for his 12 almonos and 347 yesomim
BD”E HY”Dhttps://twitter.com/manniefabian/status/1525096854635139075
BDE.Wow, 47 years old, seems old for missions like this.
Hagoan HaRav Simcha Hakohen Kook zt"l
Rabbi Uri Zohar זצל
*For the Ribbon Shel Olam
BDEI never really listened to his speeches (don't think I'm his targeted clientele), but I heard him say the story of his life and I gained such a supreme reverence for him. He was a young guy living the high life but he completely changed course when he was convinced in a conversation with frum Yid. It's both fascinating and really inspirational.I don't know if this is the version I heard, but here is a video of him saying over his life story: https://www.torahanytime.com/#/lectures?v=6740
Posting here as it's the de facto generic deaths thread and not bc I think RIP BDE necessarily apply.Yehuda Meshi ZahavKikar wrote it up relatively appropriately.Bechadrei OTOH...... WTAF. Total whitewash.