Has anyone heard any guidance about what happens to קריאת התורה of ויקהל-פקודי and פרשת החודש? Will they be lumped together with ויקרא (assuming by then we will be allowed to congregate)?
I received this on a WhatsApp chat, written by R' Kelinman:
Please be aware of the following halachic considerations which arise in this unique situation (reviewed by Maran Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Shlita).
1. It is preferable daven shacharis k’vasikin (some poskim compare the zechus of tefilla k’vasikin to tefila b’tzibbur).
2. As there are no time constraints and no need to keep up with a minyan, you should say Korbanos including pittum haketores - especially during this precarious time.
3. It is preferable to daven shmone esrei by a wall. In general, one should daven in a quiet, designated place, with shoes & proper attire, as is appropriate for kavod hatefilla. Remember - WE NEED THE TEFILLOS NOW MORE THAN EVER.
4. Tachnun is to be said seated, but without nefilas apayim.
5. Since you will be davening b’yechidus, once Z’man Mincha K’tana has arrived, eating more than 2 k’zaysim of mezonos, engaging in work or napping, is forbidden, until you daven Mincha. If you appoint a shomer to remind you, then you may eat & work.
6. Upon Tzeis Hakochavim, eating more than 2 k’zaysim of mezonos, engaging in work or napping, is forbidden, until you say k’rias shma & daven Maariv. If you appoint a shomer to remind you, then you may eat & work.
7. On Shabbos you should read the Parsha & Haftorah from a Chumash. This can count as one of the two times of Mikra for the obligation of Shnayim Mikra V’echad Targum.
8. On Shabbos you should only say the Yekum Purkan which pertains to the individual, not the one pertaining to the tzibbur.
9. On Shabbos Mincha you should say “v’ani tefilasi etc.” even though there is no k’rias hatorah.
Wishing everyone all the best, & with tefillos for yeshuas Hashem b’karov,
Daniel Osher Kleinman