Saw this post and I usually don't post much except to sell stuff on here but I had to make an exception.
I'm ashamed to say that after losing my driver's license and attempting to board my flight, my bags had to be searched. I could have declined the search and left, and I certainly would have if I knew just how thorough this search would be. If it wasn't bad enough as the tsa guy calmly pulled out torch after torch, a glass pipe would be the next item set aside. At this point somehow I'm still living a life of freedom, but this search was far from over. I was sure he wouldn't pull the camera out of the ..... ok he pulls the camera completely out of the bag. It was at this point I knew my life was about to change, as there were only 2 items in that bag, a camera, and well.... another bag was in the bag.
What happened next I've debated in my head a thousand times. The TSA had to know the bag of drugs was there, I mean it was a small bag and once the camera was out, that was all that was left. It was the last thing he searched, but unbelievably, he not only didn't arrest me or confiscate my "bag", he pretended he didn't find jr, or maybe he missed it? I think he did me a huge favor, and whatever the reason, I will be forever grateful.
Unfortunately, despite owning my bags, it was too late and I missed my flight. But no one can take away the story, that is forever, at least now it is