Has that much changed in chabad education in LA over the past decade?
When I was there it was notoriously awful.
it seems that the biggest increase in the quality of the overall Chabad education in LA
has been in the past 12 years.... It's obviously a process which takes time -- the students
may be introduced to higher standards when they are in 2nd grade, however, it could take 8 years until 10th
grade to see a noticeble difference in community standards and a bit more time to be huge enough make a city-wide impact.
Opinions can run the entire gamut, however, the facts on the ground show that it's worked, overall.
Some objective areas (I do not live there; but we have a lot of family there and we travel there a few times a year -
"Thanks Dan!")
The Boys K - 8 school had a "new" principal (for the past 12-15 years?) who is dynamic, focused, and completely committed to improving the school,
the curriculum and the standards.
I believe that he works together with a network of other schools who have made this a priority as well...
There are also the Diamond Daveners groups in La Brea where the "Junior Minyan" in Bais Levi Yitzchok has a very organized,
structured age-based davening and activities program on Shabbos.
They've had Shabbatons and extra-curricular, supplemental trips during the week/weekend.
Pico has a similar type of system, I've heard.
The Bais Menachem shul has youth groups, child care, Mommy & Me positive growth social settings...
All these contribute to chinuch and family as being a focus and priority for raising the next generation...
When they are cared for, it truly helps the community to be a place where people want to invest for the long term.