But then, as I said before, it wouldn't be anywhere near DDFers who don't check the newbie thread and are in the CC board looking for the Hyatt Master Thread. No offense taken, as you'll see in a second, I think you can question the value of something without attacking its creator.
Essay Time
1) PSA - accomplishes neither of these purposes.
2) CC Comparison - a useful chart that people may not know exists if it wasn't stickied. However, again, because of its maintenance difficulty, I don't think it should remain stickied.
3) DD Links - without being stickied, people may not know it exists and will be unlikely to search the forums for Dan's links, if they could even find them. They will likely just Google "current BA offer" and go to Chase's direct link. Hence, I vote it stays - for the sake of the man who runs the show.
4) CC Master Threads - accomplishes the purpose of making the board easier to navigate. Perhaps, if the wiki could be organized into a cleaner table, more links should be included - like a section on MS threads, Retention threads, etc. But if it starts to look anything like this, I'd delete it and just stick to the CC thread links.
5) Random Q's - something that's useful for people (and I bet would see a lot more use if it was stickied) while also being practically impossible to find in a search (as you'd have no idea what search terms to use).
Did you feel I was attacking you?!
Chas v'shalom!! Just trying to be logical in (what I thought) was a nice way.
1) skip-don't want to get in an arguement
2) I use that chart on a regular basis and LOVE it, but know I need to question the validity, unfortunately, for the reason you stated.
3) totally agreed
4) What if you were to name your chart Continue Here: Links to CC Threads stickied in the CC board. The top section of this thread could be your current chart (even though it is similar to part of the Start Here: etc chart) and then the bottom section could be all the additions of which some are quite buried more than 10 pages back? This sticky would then be dedicated for more advanced users.
6) It is the 'this here' chart in your 4 above that is the real one to compare to
Again, these are NOT attacks on you in any way. You have put in a tremendous amount of good work and obviusly have koichos in this area. I am only trying to be efficient and logical.