A Jewish-born monk at the monastery in Huntsville, Utah, is helped with shaking the lulav and esrog by Rabbi Benny Zippel, Thursday.
poseach al shtei seifim
What's special about wagyu? Anyone have it?
His aravos are posul imho
G-D save us.... הושענא
Perhaps the Berdichever would have said "Dear Father! Look at your precious children! Even while watching a ballgame they are doing your mitzvos!"
In some shuls this is needed and God probably accepts it. I wonder what's worse for god tircha detzibura of watching a football game during hoshaanos.I say the first
Really? How about just taking your phone and watching the game outside?
I hope you don't really believe that
No I don't believe that. But I do believe that tircha detzibura is a big issue these days that is very overlooked