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Author Topic: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions  (Read 1050221 times)

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5960 on: November 09, 2023, 09:48:00 PM »
I am Learningתערובות,is there English summary of the shulchan oruch?
I think Rabbi Goldstein has a book on it for sale (on Amazon).
Smicha programs also put out materials however I don't believe its available for sale.
Shloffen Shloft Zich

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5961 on: November 13, 2023, 12:58:39 AM »

Offline Moshe Green

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5963 on: November 16, 2023, 05:51:22 AM »
Anyone with any experience as a טוען רבני?
Know of any good English or yiddish online Shiurim for Hilchos Choshen Mishpat ( סימנים יא, יב, יג, יד, כ, כו, כח, כט, ל, לג, לד,לז, עה, פ, פז, קכג, רז,
Ideally someone who incorporates the important ש"ך ,סמ"ע, פתחי תשובה, נתיבות
on the sugya. )
Would probably be ideal if the shiurim are being given for ppl trying to become a טוען.
All suggestions appreciated

Offline Yehudaa

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5964 on: November 24, 2023, 11:20:10 AM »
Does news coming out of Israel once it's shabbos there constitute an issue of מעשה שבת?

In the past I've been careful to only read frum sites that report from the US once shabbos has started in Israel (Arutz 7, YWN*), but I see people here quoting nonreligious Jewish outlets in Israel on live events, like the current hostage release.

If it is an issue of מעשה שבת, is it assur forever because it's meizid, or muttar after shabbos? What's בכדי שיעשו for a news story? I haven't learned this sugya in years, so any help would be appreciated.

*Granted, I've never thought much about how sites like source their news once shabbos has started in Israel. Hard to think that they only run reports from non-Jewish reporters.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5965 on: December 20, 2023, 07:48:03 PM »
Makor for food cooked in ainoi Ben yoimo pot to be assur miderabanan?

Offline imayid2

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5966 on: December 20, 2023, 07:49:17 PM »
Makor for food cooked in ainoi Ben yoimo pot to be assur miderabanan?
Why do you think it is?

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5967 on: December 20, 2023, 07:51:09 PM »
Makor for food cooked in ainoi Ben yoimo pot to be assur miderabanan?
Do you mean the issue lichatchilla to cook it? גזירה בן יומו אטן אינו בן יומו גמרא ע״ז עה
« Last Edit: December 20, 2023, 07:55:29 PM by jye »

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5968 on: December 20, 2023, 08:50:07 PM »
Why do you think it is?

Sorry for not being clear.
My question was - is there any makor for such an opinion.
We usually assume it is kosher - is there a makor for an opinion to be machmir even bedieved miderabanan

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5969 on: December 20, 2023, 08:51:41 PM »
Sorry for not being clear.
My question was - is there any makor for such an opinion.
We usually assume it is kosher - is there a makor for an opinion to be machmir even bedieved miderabanan

Unless the yid directed the goy to do it

Offline AussieMan

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5970 on: December 20, 2023, 08:54:12 PM »
I asked AI and got the following which made me curious...

Regarding the second point about the potential rabbinic prohibition even when the absorbed taste is "Pagum" (spoiled), the source can be found in various halachic discussions, particularly in the context of the principle of "Nat bar Nat" (secondary absorption).

The concept of "Nat bar Nat" is discussed in several places in the Talmud, and the halachic authorities delve into its implications in various contexts. The key point here is that while the absorbed taste in an "Eino Ben Yomo" pot may be considered spoiled and therefore not able to impart a prohibited flavor to the food cooked in it, there is still a concern regarding eating a mixture of meat and milk that arises from rabbinic decree.

The Rashba (Rabbi Shlomo ben Aderet), a prominent medieval halachic authority, is known for his stringent view on this matter. He maintains that even in cases of "Nat bar Nat" where the taste is "Pagum", there is a rabbinic prohibition to eat such mixtures. This is because the Sages wanted to create safeguards around the biblical prohibition of cooking, eating, or deriving benefit from a mixture of meat and milk.

This perspective is discussed in the context of "Eino Ben Yomo" pots and the principle of "Nat bar Nat" by later authorities as well, including the Shulchan Aruch and the Rema in Yoreh De'ah. They emphasize the need for caution in cases where meat and milk might indirectly mix, even when the direct biblical prohibition does not apply.

In practical halachic application, this means that while technically the "Pagum" status of the taste in an "Eino Ben Yomo" pot may render it halachically insignificant, there might still be a rabbinic prohibition to consider. This is why it's important to consult with a knowledgeable halachic authority who can provide guidance based on the specifics of the situation and the prevailing customs and stringencies of the community.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5971 on: January 01, 2024, 02:32:47 PM »
What's my best route to go to use a $10-$15 Popcorn machine from Kohls rebates? Meaning I took it apart to see what's going on in the inside and the machine which is made of garbage won't last after toiveling it.
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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5972 on: January 01, 2024, 02:34:33 PM »
What's my best route to go to use a $10-$15 Popcorn machine from Kohls rebates? Meaning I took it apart to see what's going on in the inside and the machine which is made of garbage won't last after toiveling it.
Sell it to a non Jew

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5973 on: January 01, 2024, 03:04:36 PM »
how much did he take it apart?

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5974 on: January 01, 2024, 05:34:35 PM »
What's my best route to go to use a $10-$15 Popcorn machine from Kohls rebates? Meaning I took it apart to see what's going on in the inside and the machine which is made of garbage won't last after toiveling it.
AYLOR if it needs to be toiveled.
I wonder what people who type "u" instead of "you" do with all their free time.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5975 on: January 03, 2024, 08:56:26 AM »
Sorry for not being clear.
My question was - is there any makor for such an opinion.
We usually assume it is kosher - is there a makor for an opinion to be machmir even bedieved miderabanan


Unless the yid directed the goy to do it
Makor for food cooked in ainoi Ben yoimo pot to be assur miderabanan?
YD 99:5 in the PMG that if it was done on purpose is considered bittel issur and assur, but I think R Moshe says is muttar bdieved (based on understanding AB”Y as pagum and not weak taam)

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5976 on: January 03, 2024, 09:43:10 AM »
YD 99:5 in the PMG that if it was done on purpose is considered bittel issur and assur, but I think R Moshe says is muttar bdieved (based on understanding AB”Y as pagum and not weak taam)
Iirc It’s an explicit Rashba that it’s assur and the B’Y brings it. Rav Moshe is trying to make the case that it’s not lhalacha because it didn’t get into Shu”a while the pm”g clearly felt otherwise.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5977 on: January 05, 2024, 12:37:25 AM »
Is anyone familiar with the Amnon-18 system? is it widely accepted? from a mechanical perspective, I'm understanding that it only lets water in under yad soledes bo, and then randomly heats up this water.


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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5978 on: January 05, 2024, 05:09:17 AM »
Is anyone familiar with the Amnon-18 system? is it widely accepted? from a mechanical perspective, I'm understanding that it only lets water in under yad soledes bo, and then randomly heats up this water.
Looks great but i don't think it will be enough for a coffee... that's the main reason we heat up water before Shabbos...

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5979 on: January 05, 2024, 08:46:09 AM »
Be careful for Legionnaires’ disease
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