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Author Topic: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions  (Read 1081372 times)

Offline yfr bachur

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5900 on: August 23, 2023, 01:40:53 AM »
I heard a similar story but I think the boy was required to give a get.
I once heard a story from a friend that  when he was a bochur in a yeshiva (near the home of @meivinyavin ) a freind of his  realized when learning kidushin that he had a problem. Years earlier he had been hanging out with some friends (boys and girls) when he played a claw grab game and one a little prize. One of the girls asked him for the prize and he replies if i give it to you will you marry me to which she replied yes and he gave it to her. Supposedly the rosh yeshiva Harav M. paskened that will you marry me is a loshon of the girl marrying him (being mekadesh him ) and not him being mekadesh her and therefore does not require a get.

AFAIK Its a tshuva/story from Reb Moshe Feinstein and quite old

Offline rbs-g1.5

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5901 on: August 23, 2023, 08:47:21 AM »
AFAIK Its a tshuva/story from Reb Moshe Feinstein and quite old
similar stories  of teens playing around happened many times with many rabbonim. This was a unique psak (if true ) bec. of the loshon of will you marry me

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5902 on: August 23, 2023, 09:11:47 AM »
I seem to remember that RMF case was a mock wedding, and he did require a get, and he took care of that himself... or it just may be urban legend

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5903 on: August 23, 2023, 09:27:18 AM »
I seem to remember that RMF case was a mock wedding, and he did require a get, and he took care of that himself... or it just may be urban legend
IINM there are 3 tshuvos. The longest one is about a case with no kosher eidim. But then he talks about the theoretical case if there were.
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Offline AussieMan

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5904 on: August 24, 2023, 11:09:17 AM »
Yisroel called up aliya rishon bimkom kohen.
Levi was called up next - does he refuse to go up?Who gets the Aliya instead?

Offline yfr bachur

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5905 on: August 24, 2023, 11:33:12 AM »
Yisroel called up aliya rishon bimkom kohen.
Levi was called up next - does he refuse to go up?Who gets the Aliya instead?

As a levi, when they try to give me the next aliya, I tell them I'm a levi, and they go find someone else.

If its a shul that knows that I'm a levi, they dont call me after a yisroel.

I would assume that your question is in a case that the gabai did not know the halacha... I dont know, I ve never had the occasion to see that.

Offline yshad

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5906 on: August 24, 2023, 12:05:02 PM »
As a levi, when they try to give me the next aliya, I tell them I'm a levi, and they go find someone else.

If its a shul that knows that I'm a levi, they dont call me after a yisroel.

I would assume that your question is in a case that the gabai did not know the halacha... I dont know, I ve never had the occasion to see that.
just looking at the spacing of your response, I instantly assumed it was @chevron writing  ;D

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5907 on: August 24, 2023, 12:35:32 PM »
As a levi, when they try to give me the next aliya, I tell them I'm a levi, and they go find someone else.

If its a shul that knows that I'm a levi, they dont call me after a yisroel.

I would assume that your question is in a case that the gabai did not know the halacha... I dont know, I ve never had the occasion to see that.
Don't foncuse me with the Doritos; I'm here for the facts, and I haven't been to Europe!

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5908 on: August 24, 2023, 12:41:00 PM »
Anyone know more about the Tzavuas Reb Yehuda Hachusid regarding keeping birds at home? Am I allowed to keep one in my office?
I’m in shape, round is a shape…

Offline chevron

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5909 on: August 24, 2023, 01:07:52 PM »
just looking at the spacing of your response, I instantly assumed it was @chevron writing  ;D

Is there a secret DDF directive in tagging me ?!? @jj1000 is this your doing ?!

This is now the third thread in a week I'm tagged in all entirely unrelated. You're better off tagging @ChaimMarkovits @CountValentine  for this stuff

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5910 on: August 24, 2023, 01:12:58 PM »
Is there a secret DDF directive in tagging me ?!? @jj1000 is this your doing ?!

This is now the third thread in a week I'm tagged in all entirely unrelated. You're better off tagging @ChaimMarkovits @CountValentine  for this stuff
Maybe you share the same name as somebody

Offline AussieMan

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5911 on: August 24, 2023, 03:19:51 PM »
I would assume that your question is in a case that the gabai did not know the halacha... I dont know, I ve never had the occasion to see that.

I see the halacha that a Levi should not be called 2nd.

My question was (and this happened today) that the Levi was called up by the Gabbai (by mistake) and there was a discussion what should happen next.
Bepoiel the Levi did not get the aliya, and the gabbai took it on his own. Not sure the makor looking for that and was that the correct psak

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5912 on: August 24, 2023, 03:24:04 PM »
What is wrong with the Levi taking it.
(in the case of a Kohen, they may suspect him of being pagum, ben grusha r something similar, but with a Levi- what is the chashash?)

Offline AussieMan

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5913 on: August 24, 2023, 04:15:33 PM »
What is wrong with the Levi taking it.
(in the case of a Kohen, they may suspect him of being pagum, ben grusha r something similar, but with a Levi- what is the chashash?)
the mishna berura on the quote says people may say the 1st oileh was a cohen

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5914 on: August 24, 2023, 04:52:05 PM »
Bepoiel the Levi did not get the aliya, and the gabbai took it on his own. Not sure the makor looking for that and was that the correct psak
Why should it make a difference if they called his name?
Being that this Halacha is a Gemara (the way the Rishonim understood it) and there is a potential yichus miss understanding that can result, my uneducated guess is that that was the right psak.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5915 on: August 25, 2023, 10:11:59 AM »
Anyone know more about the Tzavuas Reb Yehuda Hachusid regarding keeping birds at home? Am I allowed to keep one in my office?

   12.  A number of authorities disapprove of keeping animals as pets, such as Rabbi Yehudah HaChasid (Sefer Chassidim number 1038), who condemns owning birds as "adding nonsense" (Midrash Kohelet 6:11 seems to be the source for this statement).  He adds that the money one spends on these birds should have been donated to charity.  The Sephardic Halachic authority, Rabbi Chaim Pelaggi (Tochachat Chaim, Parshat Beshalach, page 126) cites this opinion of Rabbi Yehuda HaChasid.  Rabbi Yaakov Breisch (Chelkat Yaakov 3:87) also writes that it is inconsistent with the spirit of Judaism to own a dog.  However, he does not offer any proof to this assertion.  In addition, a number of authorities object to owning dogs based on Kabbalistic teachings (Pele Yoetz, s.v. Kelev).  However, these comments have not been incorporated into mainstream Halachic works such as the Shulchan Aruch.  It should be noted, though, that it is unquestionably permissible for a blind person to own a guide dog.  These dogs are well-trained and do not pose any danger.  In addition, owning such an animal does not mimic "the abhorrent behavior of the uncircumcised" since the owner has a great need for the dog.  It also should be noted that a number of rabbinic authorities believe placing a bird into a cage to be a violation of Tzaar Baalei Chaim - the prohibition against causing unnecessary pain to animals (see Rabbi J. David Bleich, Contemporary Halachic Problems, volume three, page 195, footnote 3).

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5916 on: August 27, 2023, 12:02:39 PM »
Is there a secret DDF directive in tagging me ?!? @jj1000 is this your doing ?!

This is now the third thread in a week I'm tagged in all entirely unrelated.
I am surprised that  you consider the no talking in shul keren tosfos yom tov movement unrelated to you. That did appear to be  your raison d'etre . The tag was meant to be a compliment.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5917 on: September 01, 2023, 12:20:04 AM »
Should one make a bracha on a sour stick in middle of a seudah?

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5918 on: September 01, 2023, 08:56:53 AM »
Should one make a bracha on a sour stick in middle of a seudah?

Should one make a bracha on plain mandlin in middle of a seuda?
Feelings don't care about your facts

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions
« Reply #5919 on: September 01, 2023, 09:11:43 AM »
Should one make a bracha on plain mandlin in middle of a seuda?
Would appear to be something that is eaten as part of a satiating dish and not generally served לקינוח, so it is probably considered באים מחמת הסעודה and even when eaten לקינוח it would be בטלה דעתו.