You probably meant to say "Eretz Yisrael".
Too much talk about LA/MIA/NY/NJ/CLE etc Broaden your horizons. Think about the Holy Land. Huge Mitzvah? check. Get to hear kohen's priestly blessing daily (or duchin if you are a kohen)? check. Get to visit kosel, miaras hamachpeila, kever rachel, gravesites of thousands of great men? Check.Can choose from a wide variety of communities, including American olim, so that the fit is right? CheckYes there are challenges, I can run through a whole list of them, but the Holy Land is nikne biyisurin. Nothing beats Israel ever.
I think I meant to say Israel, let me check.
Huge Mitzvah? check.
Isn't the school there mixed?
Nope, way too hot/humid to ever consider.
Thanks guys for the weather comments but that info is readily available online.I know there are cons to living there.Otherwise most of the NY and LA communities probably would've been transplanted.I am trying out to find out more info specifically about the community and so on.If anyone can share anything in that department it would be greatly appreciated!
Don't know who or what "bar to" is but my understanding is that Dallas is litvish and/or modern orthodox. I really am looking for a Chabad community
Houston is not a chabad "community." It's a dozen families, many of whom have adult children who got married to other Lubavitchers and decided to stay in Houston. But don't confuse that with an anash community. There is ONE shul for anash. The rest of the "nusach ari" minyanim in the city are all Chabad Houses for mekurovim.