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The flu vaccine causes more deaths per year than chicken pox.
The direct injection of RSV immunoglobulin, commonly known as the "RSV vaccine" would prevent 16x more deaths than the flu vaccine does, but is too expensive.
There is a vaccine for the plague, and that is why it is no longer an epidemic.
Ebola is caused by vaccines.
There is a vaccine for autism, but it causes mumps.

Vaccines do not contain thimerosal, a known toxin.
If you snuck up on your neighbor's kid and cut open his skull, you would be arrested.  But when brain surgeons do it, and charge hundreds of thousands of dollars, it considered "medicine."
99% of vaccines do not cause autism (HT JJ1000).
Every pedi has seen healthy kids become sick physically & mentally hours after a vax (HT Baryochai)
Vaccines cause cancer, infertility, astma, adhd etc (HT Baryochai)


Did You Get The Flu Vaccine This Winter?

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Author Topic: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread  (Read 635721 times)

Offline yidelle

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1040 on: May 20, 2014, 02:27:05 PM »
טענו לו בחיטים והודו לו בשעורים.

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1041 on: May 20, 2014, 02:36:50 PM »
Exactly my question to you reb yidele lo sa'mod al dumb rei'acho. es past nisht a chochom like you to make such dumb arguments

Just like the meraglim you have been fed a 1/2 truth that is a whole lie, why don't you look back at any disease you claim was on constant decline since the vaccine & back at the decline another 40 years prior

Look at autism, asthma, allergies, arthritis, add, autoimmune, juvenile diabetes, cancer infertility skyrocketing
Why does this say on most vaccines

 has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic, mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility

Thanks for the דבר תורה about the Mergalim. Now about your argument that these diseases have been on the decline... (not addressing the fact that they are on the increase now and 100% tied directly to communities that vaccination rates dropped...).

MISCONCEPTION #1 - Diseases had already begun to disappear before vaccines were introduced, because of better hygiene and sanitation.

Statements like this are very common in anti-vaccine literature, the intent apparently being to suggest that vaccines are not needed. Improved socioeconomic conditions have undoubtedly had an indirect impact on disease. Better nutrition, not to mention the development of antibiotics and other treatments, have increased survival rates among the sick; less crowded living conditions have reduced disease transmission; and lower birth rates have decreased the number of susceptible household contacts. But looking at the actual incidence of disease over the years can leave little doubt of the significant direct impact vaccines have had, even in modern times. Here, for example, is a graph showing the reported incidence of measles from 1950 to the present.

A graph showing the reported incidence of measles from 1950 to the present. There were periodic peaks and valleys throughout the years, but the real, permanent drop coincided with the licensure and wide use of measles vaccine beginning in 1963.

There were periodic peaks and valleys throughout the years, but the real, permanent drop in case of measles in the U.S. coincided with the licensure and wide use of measles vaccine beginning in 1963. Graphs for most other vaccine-preventable diseases show a similar pattern. Are we expected to believe that better sanitation caused incidence of each disease to drop, just at the time a vaccine for that disease was introduced?

*The incidence rate of hepatitis B has not dropped so dramatically yet because the infants we began vaccinating in 1991 will not be at high risk for the disease until they are at least teenagers. We therefore expect about a 15 year lag between the start of universal infant vaccination and a significant drop in disease incidence.

Hib vaccine is another good example, because Hib disease was prevalent until just a few years ago, when conjugate vaccines that can be used for infants were finally developed. (The polysaccharide vaccine previously available could not be used for infants, in whom most cases of the disease were occurring.) Since sanitation is not better now than it was in 1990, it is hard to attribute the virtual disappearance of Haemophilus influenzae disease in children in recent years (from an estimated 20,000 cases a year to 1,419 cases in 1993, and dropping) to anything other than the vaccine.

Varicella can also be used to illustrate the point, since modern sanitation has obviously not prevented nearly 4 million cases each year in the United States. If diseases were disappearing, we should expect varicella to be disappearing along with the rest of them. But nearly all children in the United States get the disease today, just as they did 20 years ago or 80 years ago. Based on experience with the varicella vaccine in studies before licensure, we can expect the incidence of varicella to drop significantly now that a vaccine has been licensed for the United States. Active surveillance in a number of countries and cities demonstrate a 76-86% decrease in varicella cases from 1995-2001.

Finally, we can look at the experiences of several developed countries after they let their immunization levels drop. Three countries - Great Britain, Sweden, and Japan - cut back the use of pertussis vaccine because of fear about the vaccine. The effect was dramatic and immediate. In Great Britain, a drop in pertussis vaccination in 1974 was followed by an epidemic of more than 100,000 cases of pertussis and 36 deaths by 1978. In Japan, around the same time, a drop in vaccination rates from 70% to 20%-40% led to a jump in pertussis from 393 cases and no deaths in 1974 to 13,000 cases and 41 deaths in 1979. In Sweden, the annual incidence rate of pertussis per 100,000 children 0-6 years of age increased from 700 cases in 1981 to 3,200 in 1985. It seems clear from these experiences that not only would diseases not be disappearing without vaccines, but if we were to stop vaccinating, they would come back.

Of more immediate interest is the major epidemic of diphtheria which occurred in the former Soviet Union from 1989 to 1994, where low primary immunization rates for children and the lack of booster vaccinations for adults have resulted in an increase from 839 cases in 1989 to nearly 50,000 cases and 1,700 deaths in 1994. There have already been at least 20 imported cases in Europe and two cases in U.S. citizens working in the former Soviet Union.

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1042 on: May 20, 2014, 02:47:49 PM »
I don’t want this to became personal and people attacking each other. What I do want is smart people to do their research.

Some people are so cult minded that they don’t want to see the facts at all.

Vaccine preventable outbreaks are real

We need everyone in the community to be vaccinated so babies who did not get their shots yet don’t die and that people who can’t get the vaccine for medical reasons or the small percentage for whom it does not work even when they get vaccinated don’t die (herd immunity).

Vaccinations do not cause autism.

Vaccines saves lives.

The anti vaccine movement benefit financially to the tune of billions by selling and practicing alternative medicine. By the way, did you realize that I don’t bash the alternative medicine movement? My goals is to save lives not get into prolong discussion about other issues.

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1043 on: May 20, 2014, 03:35:06 PM »
Can we just all decide NOT to feed this troll?

I second that motion!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 03:42:14 PM by zh cohen »

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1044 on: May 20, 2014, 05:22:17 PM »
Reb Yidele "chap nisht heise lokshen" you have a yidishe kop, think independently not like a herd of animals following without thought

Why do you start the meal with desert? you will remain hungry ( maybe angry) look for the 1st 1/2 of the same chart starting 1900 NOT 1960

If you arrive to birchat hamazon you still want a bracha under the chupah ? .So was the vaccine the mechuten at this wedding

Please look at Ohr Hacahim parhsas Bolok . asher tevoreich mevoiroch. bilom used the same dirty trick the as the cdc, blessing people he knew they have mazal so he can take credit for their success. if you trust the CDC do you agree with their director Tom Freiden former head of NYC health, & his war Bris Milah, Rav belsky said to him if your # are not fabricated then there would have been 500 death from bris Chalila

Again with the name calling ::) ....Your charts are not the same. His is of incidence while yours is mortality. It seems that the mortality rate of measles dropped significantly prior to the introduction of vaccines. That in no way reflects upon whether or not vaccines affect incidence, which is what they are intended to do. Incidence most certainly did drop significantly with the introduction of vaccines. Also, even the mortality chart is a ראי' לסתור as it shows that deaths remained steady from the early 50s until they virtually disappeared with the introduction of the vaccine.

With a bit of thought even a layman can see gaping holes in such "logic" as I had done earlier upthread with other similarly shaky stats.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 05:33:09 PM by aygart »
Feelings don't care about your facts

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1045 on: May 20, 2014, 05:32:17 PM »
This argument will never finish especially if you throw in hot noodles, a Yiddish cup, a herd of animals, a machuten, birkaz hamuzen and top it off with a Brith Millah.

Lets stick to facts here. Your chart only shows deaths. Not the disease. What about all the people that stayed with complications all their lives? Yes, survival rate increased before the vaccine because of better health care and the availability of hospitalization. In the 1940’s anti-biatics helped to deal with infections that came as complications to the illness (not the illness itself).

Before measles vaccine, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. Each year in the United States about 450-500 people died because of measles, 48,000 were hospitalized, 7,000 had seizures, and about 1,000 suffered permanent brain damage or deafness. Today there are only about 60 cases a year reported in the United States, and most of these originate outside the country.

Also, the fact is that the disease is back and that Hashem gave us a deterrent. Vaccines are very scrutinized and very safe. Not taking the vaccine is putting yourself AND OTHERS INCLUDING BABIES at risk. Even your chart shows a sharp increase in death from the time the vaccine came out.

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1046 on: May 20, 2014, 05:40:53 PM »

Don't you get it mortality is what bothers us  NOT some minor nuisance ( you accusing me of unfounded name calling is a nuisance but i can live with it) ;D

...48,000 were hospitalized, 7,000 had seizures, and about 1,000 suffered permanent brain damage or deafness...

Minor nuisances indeed ::)

If mortality is all that bothers you and not side effects then give us numbers, how many people have DIED as result of vaccines (don't give me autism rates those are just "some minor nuisances").

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1047 on: May 20, 2014, 06:46:36 PM »
So if I understand correctly you're saying that vaccines do help children but not babies?? Because unless you find a way to dispute what he just said, you are agreeing that vaccination does help...

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1048 on: May 20, 2014, 07:06:10 PM »
Vaccines are considered the holy cow,  DTP/DTaP is now given to innocent 2 month old baby victims. I challenge you to find 1 safety study that was done in babies that age, the only 1 I found was done with 75% of children over 1 year old, is your Doc going to play dumb & not understand the age gap effect . that is how drug dealers play dirty tricks at us

Why do think vaccine manufactures need blanket immunity, you can't sue them or Dr even if it is proven 100% that the vaccine caused injury or death ,when will you wake up

read this UN report page by page see the high vaccine & infant death rate in Usa Canda VS Japan Singapore Iceland Sweden   rate

You jump from topic to topic. Problem is your IGNORANCE is deadly. Other people are stopping to immunized because of people who play doctor when they are not. You are either ignorant or a very smart person who is selling alternative healing services or supplies.

You lose your argument over measles you jump to DTP. While vaccinations helped eradicate pertussis from the United States in the latter half of the 20th century, in recent years the disease resurfaced and resulted in fatalities. Many parents decline to vaccinate their children against the disease for fear of side effects. In 2009, Pediatrics concluded the largest risk among unvaccinated children is the disease the vaccination is designed to protect against. Fact is whooping cough is a deadly disease. I hope you read the article about the mother who shared how her baby died on Facebook. It is in the Venishmartem handbook.

People like you are against the entire medical establishment and are DEADLY to our community. Dr. Shanik in your view will have to be summonsed to Beth Din.

In 2012, there were more than 48,000 cases of whooping cough in the United States – the greatest number in nearly 60 years. Twenty people died, most of them infants younger than 3 months. Forty-nine states and Washington, D.C., reported more cases over the previous year. Colorado, Vermont, and Washington state declared epidemics in 2012, and significant outbreaks were reported in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 07:58:47 PM by yidelle »

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1049 on: May 20, 2014, 09:04:04 PM »
Vaccines are considered the holy cow,  DTP/DTaP is now given to innocent 2 month old baby victims. I challenge you to find 1 safety study that was done in babies that age, the only 1 I found was done with 75% of children over 1 year old, is your Doc going to play dumb & not understand the age gap effect . that is how drug dealers play dirty tricks at us

Why do think vaccine manufactures need blanket immunity, you can't sue them or Dr even if it is proven 100% that the vaccine caused injury or death ,when will you wake up

read this UN report page by page see the high vaccine & infant death rate in Usa Canda VS Japan Singapore Iceland Sweden   rate
we debunked that nonsense upthread. Just keep going back over the same nonsense.
Feelings don't care about your facts

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1050 on: May 20, 2014, 10:23:07 PM »

8. what do say to this FDA doc admitting that kids who take pertussis vax are actually ENDANGERING the public by spreading  the disease .That is why Whooping cough rates in the United States have been increasing since the 1980s and reached a 50-year high in 2012.  :P
You lie!
The report does not even imply that the  vaccine can cause infection.
The concept is, that even those vaccinated -who will not get sick- but can still carry the infection which can kill the people who are not vaccinated (because they are infected by the cult ideology)

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1051 on: May 20, 2014, 10:35:15 PM »
You lie!
The report does not even imply that the  vaccine can cause infection.
The concept is, that even those vaccinated -who will not get sick- but can still carry the infection which can kill the people who are not vaccinated (because they are infected by the cult ideology)
strike three
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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1052 on: May 20, 2014, 10:46:29 PM »
Minor nuisances indeed ::)

If mortality is all that bothers you and not side effects then give us numbers, how many people have DIED as result of vaccines (don't give me autism rates those are just "some minor nuisances").
Did he even attempt to answer this question.....
Why do u guys still bother with this thread, this will never end and unfortunately  there will always be the same anti establishment, Alternative medicine, conspiracy believing people out there.

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1053 on: May 20, 2014, 11:00:25 PM »
1. How did i lose on measles mortality ?
2. what is your response to UN report.
3. Shanik lied he was moitze shem rah, he is lucky that he is dealing with yiden who go to din torah & not expensive attorney fee
4. Alternative healing makes more $ from vaccine injured than anything else is
5. You never responded to DTP 6. an Md learns to diagnose & treat  disease but did NOT learn vaccine ingredients or effects, he knows as much as the other guy with a white coat aka butcher ;D
6. What is your response to Cancer & infertility warning ?2 biggest expenses in our community
7. There are many MD's who do NOT vaccinate, how come they have extremely low % Autism Asthma ADD etc.
8. what do say to this FDA doc admitting that kids who take pertussis vax are actually ENDANGERING the public by spreading  the disease .That is why Whooping cough rates in the United States have been increasing since the 1980s and reached a 50-year high in 2012.  :P

Look my friend. We don't see eye to eye here. Neither does anyone in the established medical community. What you are doing is called in Yiddish "Varfen zamt in di oygen" (just throwing sand in your eyes). You state fiction for fact and fact for fiction. For years you loonies are running around that vaccines cause autism. When your holly cow, Dr. Wakefield was credited, you all still said there is a link. Then we learn that he falsified records and he lost his liscense and now he can no longer practice medicine in the UK. Now new studies PROOF that it does not cause autism by studying those countries that did not vaccinate and they still had and increase in autism. So you start with new allegations. They cause cancer.

I am a very balanced person by nature. When I first heard about vaccines possible being dangerous I started researching it and I learned that it saves lives. You have an agenda and will not change your mind because you profit from fear mongering or you belong to a cult. Guys, please listen to Dr. Shania and not to some crack heads.

BTW, regarding Autism, most scientist believe that 1) processed food and unhealthy diet plus environmental issues are to blame, and 2) there was lots of autism years ago. They were not just give a diagnoses. Our parents hit the living daylights out of the few nerds around because they were considered "slecht" (bad). They were not understood. And the teachers, Rabbis and parents did not understand how this stupid kid does not get it even after I beat him up to a pulp. Now we know that they can't help themselves. Also, with a proper diagnosis, these kids are eligible for special therapy, social work, after school programs and the like. So doctors are more readily giving diagnosis.

I will try not to answer you anymore.

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1054 on: May 21, 2014, 12:03:38 AM »
Since we are having memory issues (were you vaccinated :P )
1. How did i lose on measles mortality ?
Your charts are not the same. His is of incidence while yours is mortality. It seems that the mortality rate of measles dropped significantly prior to the introduction of vaccines. That in no way reflects upon whether or not vaccines affect incidence, which is what they are intended to do. Incidence most certainly did drop significantly with the introduction of vaccines. Also, even the mortality chart is a ראי' לסתור as it shows that deaths remained steady from the early 50s until they virtually disappeared with the introduction of the vaccine.
Even your chart shows the advantages of vaccines.
2. what is your response to UN report.
So now we went in a full circle. You mentioned the UN report. I questioned your inference from it and even showed that the opposite may be inferred since you were basing on the wrong data set and when looking at the correct data set the numbers are different. So you posted another linkof someone else doing the same thing ::) . When I questioned that you just posted the first link :o . When I point that out you now post a link to (the abstract only) some article discussing that there were some higher levels of virus found in known autistic brains post-mortem ??? . Does this mean that you are conceding that the link to infant mortality is tenuous and just trying to make a different point 8) ? If so, what is the other point? I see no discussion of vaccines in this article unless it is in the complete article to which I do not have access.
3. Shanik lied he was moitze shem rah, he is lucky that he is dealing with yiden who go to din torah & not expensive attorney fee
4. Alternative healing makes more $ from vaccine injured than anything else is
Thsuvasam bitzidam :o
5. You never responded to DTP
DTP/DTaP is now given to innocent 2 month old baby victims. I challenge you to find 1 safety study that was done in babies that age, the only 1 I found was done with 75% of children over 1 year old,
Even if true, if that is the whole issue....Oh the innocent babies :'( ...25% still exists.
6. an Md learns to diagnose & treat  disease but did NOT learn vaccine ingredients or effects, he knows as much as the other guy
:o Who is more qualified to understand these studies?
6. What is your response to Cancer & infertility warning ?2 biggest expenses in our community
Your kitchen chairs or couch or other stuff have similar warnings. Grow up!
7. There are many MD's who do NOT vaccinate, how come they have extremely low % Autism Asthma ADD etc.
Do you have a double blind study on this? Do they have the same aversion to AAA treatments as they do to vaccines? That would answer it-the issue is diagnosis.
8. what do say to this FDA doc admitting that kids who take pertussis vax are actually ENDANGERING the public by spreading  the disease .That is why Whooping cough rates in the United States have been increasing since the 1980s and reached a 50-year high in 2012.  :P
You lie!
The report does not even imply that the  vaccine can cause infection.
The concept is, that even those vaccinated -who will not get sick- but can still carry the infection which can kill the people who are not vaccinated (because they are infected by the cult ideology)
Sound familiar? ::)
 Now that it is quite clear that we are going in circles there is less reason to worry that someone who reads this may make a mistake and think there is substance in what you write. I am likely not to continue.
Feelings don't care about your facts

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1055 on: May 21, 2014, 08:22:16 AM »
His confidence in his naarishkeit is really disturbing. Clearly a brainwashed/cult situation. Nebach.

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1056 on: May 21, 2014, 09:20:05 AM »
בלי נדר (which means I will try...), this is my last post here.

A blog describing the actions, lies, and continual hypocrisy of anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists. See where the real money is:

Joseph Mercola, his view on vaccines:

Mercola has been highly critical of vaccines and vaccination policy, claiming that too many vaccines are used too soon during infancy. He hosts vaccine critics on his website, advocates preventive measures rather than vaccination in many cases, and strongly criticizes influenza vaccines.

Mercola says that thimerosal, previously widely used as a vaccine preservative, is harmful. Thimerosal is no longer present in most vaccines given to young children in the USA, though it is still present in some vaccines approved for adults. Extensive evidence has accumulated since 1999 showing that this preservative is safe, with the World Health Organization stating in 2006 that "there is no evidence of toxicity in infants, children or adults exposed to thiomersal in vaccines".

In his book The Great Bird Flu Hoax, Mercola appears to take a stronger anti-pharmaceutical industry stance by accusing them of a fear-mongering marketing campaign against the public. In supporting this stance, Mercola often has wholly critical views of those working in governmental health care, as well as towards international health organizations. He argues at length that concern over swine flu and the resulting immunizations were actually false alarms put forth to terrify the public. The World Health Organization reports that by August 1, 2010, about 18,500 deaths have been caused by the H1N1 pandemic influenza.

Anti-Vaccine Doctor Planned to Profit from Scare

Almost exactly one year ago, on Jan. 28, 2010, Andrew Wakefield, the doctor whose 1998 research sparked international concern over whether childhood vaccines cause autism, was found guilty by a British panel of acting unethically in his research on autism. Shortly afterward, The Lancet, which originally published his findings, reviewed his original study and issued a complete retraction.

Just when it seems the scandal can’t get any worse, it does.

According to new research published in today’s BMJ, Wakefield’s motive for the fraud was money — and lots of it. Wakefield “planned secret businesses intended to make huge sums of money, in Britain and America, from his now-discredited allegations,” according to a BMJ press release.

The Top Six LEAST Logical Anti-Vaxx Arguments

Ok, now lets call this fraud called Dr. Shanik to Din Torah. All you wacos who are PROFITNG by spreading fear are right. The respected doctor is wrong. He has been brainwashed by the pharma industries.

I had tried to keep this debate respectful and have a balanced discussion. I believe it is now Wednesday morning. If you claim it is Wednesday evening, we are not on the same wavelength, but maybe we can bridge the gap a bit saying it is Wednesday afternoon. But if you claim that it is now Purim night, we are so far away that we are not even on the same planet here. I will finish by urging parents to do their own research. I am not trying to sell vaccines.

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1057 on: May 21, 2014, 03:32:03 PM »
Here is an example of what we are trying to prevent with a pertusis (whooping cough) vaccine. This can be fatal in infants and debilitating in older children. 

Here is a picture of one the affects polio had, aside from the well known paralysis.

A common effect of polio is paralysis of the chest, and those that have this disease are frequently unable to breathe on their own. To keep them alive, they would have to live in these "iron lungs", which relied on negative pressure to allow them to breathe. This was a common site in hospitals prior to the polio vaccine. You can see the rest of the photos here:

These are some of the horrors that have been eliminated due to vaccines. And now you want to hang your hat on pseudo-science and blatantly fabricated studies to potentially bring these diseases back? Shame on you.

The amount of peer reviewed articles on the efficacy of vaccines is staggering. Some go back close to 70 years. Here is one from 1947, where they tracked two groups of children with and without the pertussis vaccine. Those without the vaccine had a 90% pertusis attack rate. Those with the vaccine, even those whose titers of the antibody were low, <20, had only a 30% attack rate, with the rate decreasing as the blood titers rose. I urge you to purchase this paper if you have any doubts.

Here is a great website with lots of peer reviewed studies showing the safety of the current vaccine schedule, most of the scientific papers on this site are free

So you can either believe the mountain of scientific evidence about the efficacy of vaccines, or you can continue to fight this growing government cover up to control our minds, and allow our children to deal with  these terrible diseases. Just know their blood is on your hands. 

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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1058 on: May 21, 2014, 05:49:42 PM »
Through one of the links above:
THe fraud of Dr. Wakefeild
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Re: Vaccine Discussion Master Thread
« Reply #1059 on: May 22, 2014, 06:01:49 PM »
I heard they're coming out with a new vaccine for autism.