In other news, Breyer's started selling "Non-dairy Dessert" (Kכ-de)
Have you tried the Ben and Jerrys parve stuff? Or the Breyers?
Old news.
But Now Breyer's is also part of Unilever.
Old news.But Now Breyer's is also part of Unilever.
I hope the guys and girls here are strong enough not to buy Ben & Jerries... Their IQ level might be contagious.Plus, lets face it, it is not fine quality to begin with.Go at least for a Hagen Dazs.
Neither of them is CY.
anshuldiks, the best ice cream by faaar is the one I buy from that geshmake truck that comes around on erev shabbos, the one that sings 'come and make ah bracha, ah bracha, ah bracha.'It's so close to shabbos, it's pashut oineg shabbos.
With ice cream and icesAnd very high pricesPlease say a blessingBefore you start fressing