There is a fascinating תשובת הראש the earlier part of which does not appear in the standard editions. The was a Rav who erroneously had a chumra based on which he refused to allow a communal eruv. The Rosh roundly censured him, telling him he is not allowed to be machmir since it will lead to people carrying without an eruv.
(it is also clear from his teshuva and his citation of 68a that the mitzva lisaken eruv applies to a city and not just a mavoi as some have posited.)
When the rav refused to back down the Rosh wrote to him that he has two weeks to back down and allow the eruv or the Rosh will put him in cherem and had the Sanhedrin been extant they would have killed him (as a zakein mamreh).
Apparently this did not work, so the Rosh sent a subsequent letter in which he told the leaders of the area that they should use all means at their disposal including fining him heavily under the authority of the king, and even actually killing him as a zakein mamreh if necessary!