Author Topic: AI And LLM (ChatGPT, Gemini, Grok, Etc) Master Thread  (Read 62469 times)

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #100 on: December 08, 2022, 09:53:23 AM »
there is quite an anti hasidic bias in lakewood related questions

Offline Yisroel Tech

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #101 on: December 08, 2022, 10:35:14 AM »
Crazy that you are having a full-fledged (somewhat) logical conversation with it. Honestly the thing with jewish encyclopedia is strange. It actually looks like they have things mixed up. Why is FRIEDLÄNDER, DAGOBERT the subject of a page with gematria in the link?
Maybe its referring to this link:
Though didnt read through to see of it mentions anything about that...
I also thought so (the word in the link doesn't make a difference, and 6571 is just one digit different from 6371), but can't find his quoted thing in that article.

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #102 on: December 08, 2022, 10:40:27 AM »
there is quite an anti hasidic bias in lakewood related questions
Please write a standup routine about hasidic jewish people living in lakewood nj

Thank you for asking me to write a standup routine about Hasidic Jewish people living in Lakewood, NJ.

First of all, let me just say that Hasidic Jews are a fascinating group of people. They are known for their strict adherence to traditional Jewish laws and customs, and for their distinctive clothing and mannerisms.

Living in Lakewood, NJ, a town with a large Hasidic Jewish population, must be interesting. I can only imagine the sights and sounds of a community that is so different from the typical American town.

One thing that strikes me as funny is the way Hasidic Jews dress. They wear long black coats and wide-brimmed hats, and their beards are often quite long and curly. It must be quite a sight to see a group of Hasidic men walking down the street together!

Another thing that I find amusing is the way Hasidic Jews communicate. They often speak in a unique dialect of Yiddish, which can be hard for outsiders to understand. I can just imagine the confusion that must ensue when a Hasidic Jew tries to order a sandwich at a deli that doesn't speak Yiddish!

Overall, I think that Hasidic Jews in Lakewood, NJ must be a fascinating and unique group of people. I would love to hear more about their culture and way of life.

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I've been waiting over 5 years with bated breath for someone to say that!
-- Dan

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #104 on: December 08, 2022, 03:39:33 PM »

nothings impossible- the word itself says Im possible

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #105 on: December 08, 2022, 03:52:54 PM »

nothings impossible- the word itself says Im possible

Offline justaregularguy

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #106 on: December 08, 2022, 04:01:38 PM »
i am having so much fun here

nothings impossible- the word itself says Im possible

Offline YitzyS

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #107 on: December 08, 2022, 04:42:02 PM »
I wrote a Chanukah book. It took me 5 minutes.

A Chanukah Treasury
By YitzyS

Story One:

(write story about a jewish soldier in George Washington's army, involving a chanukah menorah)

As the sun set on the cold, snowy battlefield, Sergeant Isaac Goldstein and his fellow soldiers huddled around a small fire, trying to keep warm. They had been fighting for weeks in the Revolutionary War, and morale was low. But Isaac refused to let his spirits be dampened. He had a special surprise for his comrades: a beautiful menorah that he had smuggled onto the battlefield, hidden in his pack.

Isaac was a devout Jew, and he had been raised to observe the holidays and traditions of his faith. When he enlisted in George Washington's army, he knew that he would face many challenges, but he never expected to be denied the opportunity to celebrate Chanukah.

As the soldiers gathered around the menorah, Isaac lit the first candle and began to recite the blessings. He was nervous at first, but as the light of the candles spread warmth and joy throughout the camp, he felt a sense of pride and connection to his heritage.

The other soldiers were curious at first, but they soon joined in, singing along with the traditional Chanukah songs. Some even shared their own holiday traditions, and Isaac was touched by their willingness to learn and respect his faith.

As the night wore on, the soldiers shared stories and memories, finding common ground and friendship in the midst of war. The menorah became a symbol of their unity and determination, and they vowed to continue fighting for their cause, guided by the light of their shared beliefs and values.

In the end, Isaac and his comrades emerged victorious from the Revolutionary War, and the menorah became a cherished part of their legacy. It was a reminder of the power of faith and community, even in the darkest of times.

Story Two:

(write a story about how a dreidel saved the life of a young toddler)

It was a cold and snowy winter day, and little Sarah was playing in her front yard, building a snowman with her brother. She was so absorbed in her work that she didn't notice when her brother ran inside to warm up, leaving her alone outside.

Suddenly, Sarah heard a loud crack, and she turned to see a large tree branch breaking off and falling straight towards her. She froze in terror, not knowing what to do.

But just as the branch was about to hit her, a small dreidel flew out of nowhere and knocked the branch aside, saving Sarah's life. She looked up in amazement and saw her grandmother, who had been watching from the window, holding the dreidel in her hand.

Sarah's grandmother had always been a skilled dreidel player, and she had learned to spin the dreidel with great speed and accuracy. She had seen the danger and acted quickly, using her dreidel skills to save her granddaughter.

Sarah was shaken but unharmed, and she ran to her grandmother to give her a grateful hug. From that day on, Sarah's grandmother taught her how to play dreidel, and the two of them spent many happy hours together, spinning the dreidel and sharing stories and laughter.

The dreidel became a symbol of their bond and their love, and Sarah never forgot the miraculous way that it had saved her life. It was a reminder to always be grateful for the people and traditions that enrich our lives.

Story Three:

(write a funny story about how a potato latka recipe got lost and eventually found)

It was the night before Hanukkah, and Rachel was in a panic. She had been planning to make her famous potato latkes for the family celebration, but she had misplaced the recipe. She had looked everywhere but couldn't find it, and she was starting to think that she would have to resort to store-bought latkes.

But just as she was about to give up, she heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. She ran in to investigate and saw that her cat, Moishe, had knocked over a jar of flour and was happily rolling around in it.

But as Rachel picked up the jar, she noticed something strange. There was a piece of paper stuck to the bottom, and as she pulled it off, she realized that it was her missing potato latke recipe.

It turned out that Moishe had knocked the recipe off the counter and into the flour jar, where it had been hidden for days. Rachel couldn't believe it, but she was overjoyed to have found the recipe just in time for Hanukkah.

She quickly set to work, making the latkes with Moishe watching from his perch on the kitchen counter. And as the family gathered around the table, they all agreed that they had never tasted latkes as delicious as Rachel's.

From then on, Rachel made sure to keep her recipes in a safe and secure place, but she always made an extra batch of latkes for Moishe, who had become the official taste-tester of the family's Hanukkah feast.

Story Four:

(write a story, in rhyme, about a Maccabee soldier winning over a Greek oppressor)

There once was a brave Maccabee
Who fought for his people with glee
Against the Greek oppressors who tried
To take away their freedom and pride

The Maccabee was skilled in combat
His sword flashed as he did combat
He fought with honor and with grace
Defending his people's sacred space

But one day, as he fought on the field
He faced a Greek soldier who would not yield
The Greek was strong and fierce and bold
But the Maccabee was brave and cold

They fought for hours, through the night
Neither one willing to give up the fight
But in the end, the Maccabee won
And the Greek soldier, his defeat he did not shun

The Maccabee offered him his hand
And the Greek, to his surprise, took it in a stand
They spoke of peace and understanding
And a new bond was quickly demanding

The Greek learned of the Maccabee's faith
And was moved by the love and grace
He converted to Judaism that day
And the two soldiers, together, did they pray.

Story Five:

(write a heartwarming story about chanukah)

As the sun set on the first night of Chanukah, the Cohen family gathered around the dining room table, ready to celebrate. They lit the menorah, said the blessings, and sang the traditional songs, feeling the warmth and joy of the holiday.

But this year, the celebration was extra special because they were joined by their new neighbor, Mrs. Rosenberg. Mrs. Rosenberg was an elderly Jewish woman who had recently moved into the neighborhood, and the Cohen family had welcomed her with open arms.

Mrs. Rosenberg had been feeling lonely and homesick since moving to the new neighborhood, but the Cohens had invited her to join them for Chanukah, and she was grateful for their kindness. As she sat at the table with the Cohens, she felt a sense of belonging and community that she had been missing.

The Cohens shared their latkes and sufganiyot with Mrs. Rosenberg, and she told them stories about her childhood Chanukah celebrations. She also shared her grandmother's recipe for potato latkes, which had been passed down through the generations.

The Cohens were touched by Mrs. Rosenberg's warmth and generosity, and they vowed to continue inviting her to join them for future holidays and celebrations. And as they lit the menorah each night, they felt grateful for the new friend who had become a part of their family.

Appendix: The Jokes

(write a string of knock knock jokes that are related to chanukah)

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Abe who?
Abe-nother latke, please!

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Dreidel who?
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay!

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Menorah who?
Menorah-ble weather we're having, isn't it?

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Chanukah who?
Chanukah same to you, my friend!

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Latke who?
Latke a guess and you'll never know!

About the author:

(Write an author bio for YitzyS)

YitzyS is a talented and accomplished author and poet, known for his unique and engaging perspective on Jewish life and culture. He was born and raised in New York, and he has always been deeply connected to his faith and heritage.

YitzyS has been writing for many years, and he has a passion for exploring the complexities and beauty of Jewish literature. His work is often described as thought-provoking and deeply moving, and he has a talent for crafting vivid imagery and compelling characters.

In his writing, YitzyS explores the intersections of faith and culture, delving into the timeless traditions and teachings of Judaism. He also writes about the challenges and triumphs of being a Jew in the modern world, examining the ways in which the past informs the present.

YitzyS has published several books of poetry and prose, and his work has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. He continues to write and inspire, bringing the richness and depth of Jewish literature to readers around the world.

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #108 on: December 08, 2022, 04:47:37 PM »
Dude those knock knock jokes take dad jokes to a whole new level
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #109 on: December 08, 2022, 04:49:11 PM »
Guys get off this thing it's wasting to much time.  :P

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #110 on: December 08, 2022, 06:31:23 PM »
The (Rabbi) speeches this thing produces..
_    ,
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #111 on: December 08, 2022, 08:25:51 PM »

About the author:

(Write an author bio for YitzyS)

YitzyS is a talented and accomplished author and poet, known for his unique and engaging perspective on Jewish life and culture. He was born and raised in New York, and he has always been deeply connected to his faith and heritage.

YitzyS has been writing for many years, and he has a passion for exploring the complexities and beauty of Jewish literature. His work is often described as thought-provoking and deeply moving, and he has a talent for crafting vivid imagery and compelling characters.

In his writing, YitzyS explores the intersections of faith and culture, delving into the timeless traditions and teachings of Judaism. He also writes about the challenges and triumphs of being a Jew in the modern world, examining the ways in which the past informs the present.

YitzyS has published several books of poetry and prose, and his work has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. He continues to write and inspire, bringing the richness and depth of Jewish literature to readers around the world.

And here is the uncensored additions that were omitted;

"YitzyS is a skilled writer and a prolific poster on the popular DDF forums. He is known for his engaging writing style and his ability to create thought-provoking and entertaining threads. Despite his talent, however, YitzyS has a deep obsession with getting likes on the forums.

For YitzyS, each like is a validation of his writing skills and a confirmation that he is doing something right. He spends hours pouring over his posts, meticulously crafting them in a way that will elicit the maximum number of likes from his fellow forum members. He is always looking for ways to improve his writing and get more likes, and is never satisfied with the number of likes he receives.

Despite his obsession, YitzyS remains a favorite member of the forums. His writing is always engaging and interesting, and his passion for the forums is infectious. Many of the forum members have come to enjoy his posts and look forward to reading his latest threads.

Despite his obsession with likes, YitzyS remains a skilled and talented writer. His writing continues to entertain and engage his fellow forum members, and he remains a favorite member of the DDF community."

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #112 on: December 08, 2022, 09:06:29 PM »
And here is the uncensored additions that were omitted;

"YitzyS is a skilled writer and a prolific poster on the popular DDF forums. He is known for his engaging writing style and his ability to create thought-provoking and entertaining threads. Despite his talent, however, YitzyS has a deep obsession with getting likes on the forums.

For YitzyS, each like is a validation of his writing skills and a confirmation that he is doing something right. He spends hours pouring over his posts, meticulously crafting them in a way that will elicit the maximum number of likes from his fellow forum members. He is always looking for ways to improve his writing and get more likes, and is never satisfied with the number of likes he receives.

Despite his obsession, YitzyS remains a favorite member of the forums. His writing is always engaging and interesting, and his passion for the forums is infectious. Many of the forum members have come to enjoy his posts and look forward to reading his latest threads.

Despite his obsession with likes, YitzyS remains a skilled and talented writer. His writing continues to entertain and engage his fellow forum members, and he remains a favorite member of the DDF community."

Which "Posts that Don't have their deserved number of likes" threads do I post this in, the one for other people's posts or the one for narcissists?  ;D

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #113 on: December 09, 2022, 01:27:02 AM »
The (Rabbi) speeches this thing produces..

I tried generating rebbe jokes but even after a few attempts I could barely muster a groan.
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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #114 on: December 09, 2022, 01:49:31 AM » banned chatGPT responses

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #115 on: December 09, 2022, 09:55:57 AM »
*Please write an article about the heimishe yingerman who spent his last few bucks to buy cherry lights for his suburban so he could feel like a real askan*

The heimishe yingerman was a devout and dedicated member of his community, known for his selfless service and his tireless efforts to help others. Despite his modest income and limited resources, he was always willing to go above and beyond to assist those in need and to make the world a better place.

One winter, as Hanukkah approached, the yingerman found himself feeling a bit down. Despite his many good deeds, he couldn't help but feel envious of the other askonim in the community, with their fancy cars and flashy decorations. He longed to be able to join in the fun and festivity, but he simply didn't have the means to do so.

But then, an idea came to him. He remembered that he had saved a few dollars from his weekly allowance, and he decided to use them to buy a set of cherry lights for his trusty old Suburban. It wasn't much, but he was determined to make the most of it.

As he hung the lights on his car, the yingerman felt a sense of pride and joy. He may not have had the fanciest car on the block, but he was determined to make it sparkle and shine. And when he drove down the street that Hanukkah, he felt like a real askan, bringing light and joy to all those around him.

The heimishe yingerman's story is a reminder that true askanus is not about fancy cars or flashy decorations, but about dedicating ourselves to the service of others and making the world a brighter place. No matter how.

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #116 on: December 10, 2022, 09:27:54 PM »
Motzei shabbos gelt masse courtesy of chatGPT...

Once upon a cold motzei Shabbos, the Baal Shem Tov decided to leave his town on a journey to an unknown location. He called upon his trusted wagon driver, Alexei, to accompany him on the trip, as well as several of his greatest talmidim.

As they set out on their journey, the Baal Shem Tov used his powers of "kefitzas haderech" to travel great distances in a matter of minutes. Alexei, being a loyal servant to the Baal Shem Tov, was accustomed to seeing his master perform this feat and simply sat back and let the wagon and horses fly through the air.

The journey, which would have taken many days or even weeks without the use of "kefitzas haderech," was completed in just a few short minutes. Despite the incredible speed at which they traveled, the journey was not without its challenges. The rough terrain made it difficult for the wagon to navigate, and at times, Alexei had to use all of his skill and strength to keep the wagon steady.

As they approached their destination, the Baal Shem Tov sensed that they were close, and the wagon began to slow down on its own. It eventually came to a stop in front of a small inn, known as a "kretchme." The Baal Shem Tov and his talmidim got out of the wagon and went inside, leaving Alexei to tend to the horses.

Inside the kretchme, the Baal Shem Tov approached the proprietor, a man named Moshke, and asked him to tell him all about what had transpired that Shabbos. Moshke, surprised by the Baal Shem Tov's interest in him, began to recount the story of how he had been struggling financially due to the bad winter weather.

Despite his struggles, Moshke never lost hope. He prayed to Hashem for a miracle, and on Friday afternoon, just as Shabbos was approaching, a  wealthy poritz arrived at the kretchme and left him a generous tip. With the money he received, Moshke was able to provide for his family and celebrate Shabbos in the proper way.

The Baal Shem Tov and his talmidim were moved by Moshke's story of trust in Hashem and his unwavering faith. They learned a valuable lesson in emuna and bitachon, and were grateful for the opportunity to be in the presence of such a wise and faithful man.

After hearing Moshke's story, the Baal Shem Tov revealed to him and his talmidim that the poritz who had helped him was no ordinary man. In fact, it was none other than Avraham Avinu, who had come down from Gan Eden disguised as a poritz in order to help Moshke in his time of need.

The talmidim were amazed by this revelation, and they praised Hashem for His kindness and generosity. They were grateful to have been present for this special moment, and they left the kretchme feeling inspired and uplifted.

After spending some time at the kretchme, the Baal Shem Tov and his talmidim were ready to continue on their journey. They thanked Moshke for his hospitality and set out once again, using their powers of "kefitzas haderech" to travel back home. Despite the briefness of their trip, they were filled with a sense of spiritual fulfillment and gratitude for the lessons they had learned along the way.

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #117 on: December 10, 2022, 09:38:37 PM »
Small people talk about other people.
Average people talk about things

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #118 on: December 10, 2022, 10:36:34 PM »

nothings impossible- the word itself says Im possible

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Re: OpenAI ChatGPT
« Reply #119 on: December 10, 2022, 11:39:50 PM »
I already used this a few times for my kids… thank you letter for a rebbe.. other various school stuff.. it’s crazy how amazing this is!!