Let us assume that no bais din gave a psak that he is mechuyav to give a get. This is still a far cry from your attacks on them. Anyone who reads your posts in this thread can see that this was the sole fact which you posted. That you are claiming this as proof that you are posting no attacks only facts shows how ridiculous your statements are. After calling them all names in the book you mention one small fact which even if 100% true as you presented it does not even come close to justifying your attacks.
I addition I will point out that the date of the letter you posted is in 2010, a good few years before he wrote that the B'D paskened that he is mechuyav. The letter itself specifically states "at this time".
I have no pre-conceived outcome here. On the other hand, before writing the way you did about a Rosh Yeshiva there is a high standard of evidence required. You have not presented any such evidence. As I wrote before,You have not yet done so.
You are correct that the letter is from 2010 - now it's your job to prove me wrong and find something more recent to prove I'm the liar. In the absence of that document I will assume there isn't any.
There are letters from:
http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2015/11/hisachadus-harabbonim-satmar-protests.htmlR' Pinchus Rabinowitz
http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2015/11/tamar-epstein-protest-from-rav-pinchus.htmlR Shlomo Miller, R' E B Wachtfogel, R Moshe Green & R Yechiel Tauber
http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2015/11/tamar-epstein-translation-of-protest-by.htmlR Moshe Sterbuch
http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2015/11/rav-moshe-sternbuch-stronlgy-condemns.html R Aharon Feldman
http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2015/11/rav-aharon-feldmans-letter-against.htmlRead what R Sternbuch wrote about the Heter "And I saw the tesuva that "freed" her - I hate to say this but the teshuva is total nonsence"
Before you jump on me and condemn me to eternal hell - those were his words not mine.
And all of this means nothing to you because I'm posting anonymously?
None of these letters give you an inkling that maybe, just maybe there is an issue here?
Does the letter from R Feldman reach your "high standard of evidence required"?
Does the fact that he writes that throughout the lengthy court proceedings that was never a mention by the wife that the husband is mentally ill. You don't think that "minor" detail would have been brought up prior to this "tesuva"?
The fact that at 11:45 today you wrote "I will definitely agree that there is no machlokes which I see here. Based on what I see the most likely scenario is something along the lines that R Sholom spoke to R Nota with some hypotheticals which R Nota said can be used as a heter if she meets certain conditions at which point she went and got married without having met those conditions claiming that she got a heter from him when she really did not." shows your complete ignorance on this matter in light of this document
http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2015/11/tamar-epsteins-heter-r-shlomo.html which shows R Shalom was involved in every detail of the heter.
You can say all the above letters are fake, they didn't mean it, had they known what you know they would have never written it - whatever makes you feel good.
You are so bias that the truth could smack you upside the head and you still wouldn't see it.
Oh and I almost forgot - You don't know who I am so everything I write is irrelevant to you.
PS - If there wasn't enough outrage over R Shalom's "Heter" the Eidah Charedis issued a formal protest as well.