Great! This (out of date ZNT) just proves the general accuracy of the unsigned list .
Lets compare ZNT vs USL
ZNT level one: eida, rubin, landua, sheiris, znt, something from tzfas - all are USL levels one or two aside from ZNT (affiliation - USL Level Three), and possibly the tzfas hechsher (not sure which is its new logo on the USL list - its prob level two in any case).
ZNT Level two: Machfud, CCSBB - USL level four. Kehilos - USL Level five.
ZNT Level Three: Belz, Aguda - USL Level five. R JLM Mehadrin - USL Level Six. CCSPT- USL Level Seven.
ZNT Level Four: Beit Yosef - USL Level six. Rabbanut - USL Level Seven.
USL - anything below level 3 ask a shayla...
ZNT anything below two ask ask a shayla...
As you can see - It matches up...