There was a post upthread going through the various groups and time frame.
I'd love someone who buys frequently for many groups to do a comprehensive
Time to scan in
Time to pay
Time to resolve ticket
Time for change in price (when they modify to below cost they usually give some.time at higher price)
Can run through a few of the groups:
Time to scan in - Tdb, CNJ and MOD are currently a few days behind scanning. BFP, BGR, MYS, and BFMR are usually same day scan. USA is usually delayed longer than a couple of days. EMB is scan day after delivery.
Time to pay - BFP at around 4-5 weeks. USA at around 2-3 weeks. EMB night of request. BFMR night of scan if before a certain time that day. BGR about a week. MYS dont know from recently but seems about 2-3 weeks. MOD is currently at 2+ weeks. TDB is slightly below 2 weeks currently. CNJ at around 9 days.
Time to answer tickets - I think most are within same day to 1 or 2 days
Price changes - Going to spew a little here and people may disagree. MOD been giving some hard cutoffs for price changes. TDB been more lenient. EMB pays what they want when they want and accepts only if they want. BGR is random with price changes and can change instantly without anything to do about it. BFMR usually gives at least a day or 2 to get tracking in to lock higher price. USA locks with your commitment as long as it arrives there before the exp date.