Speaking of results... Ironically, The common view amongst misnagdim today, is that maybe in past generations we didn't necessarily full understand the severeness of the hisnagdus. But after seeing the churban of chabbad (and maybe breslev to a lesser degree) over the last 100 years, we see bechush the forsight of the misnagdim.
@aygart seems to have been posting this recently,but he's too diplomatic about it.
Some who revered him couldn't handle it when he was a day late and made a golden calf.
I feel like this thread is coming in a big circle now albeit getting a bit nastier and less wanting an explanation than wanting a shtech.
When reading this thread and seeing there is halachic basis that moshiach can be from the dead, meaning there is not a halachic problem with believing that. Then how would that justify the misnagdim of old.
There has to be a clear distinction of something against halacha and something within the confines of halacha. If something is within the confines of halacha than it's really not fair to say this is why chassidus was a problem.
I think most people I talked to over the years that say the gaon was worried about chabad 200 years in the future believing their Rebbe is moshiach after he passed away (although I haven't seen that written anywhere from that time, I'd be interested in seeing it if it was) just doesn't jive with the fact that there are halachic sources for it.
The whole talk about what other chassidim believe or admit, and many other side topics here are really off topic and side talks if the meat and potatoes of this thread.